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Algeria: The country that is a third covered by the largest desert in the world! Algiers

Have you ever imagined visiting a country where the exotic and the unknown meet? Where is there more sand than you can imagine? That's right, today we're going to discover Algeria, a country where a third of its territory is covered by the largest desert in the world: the Sahara!

Algeria, Africa's largest country, has a rich tapestry of history, influenced by the Berbers, Ottomans, Romans, Arabs and French. The marks of these influences are on every corner, every building and every dish of Algerian cuisine.

For those of you who are always looking for new experiences, we have selected five unmissable places: the vibrant capital Algiers, with its mix of Ottoman and French architecture; the Roman city of Timgad, a UNESCO World Heritage Site; the wonderful region of Kabylie and its incredible mountains; the Theniet El Had National Park; and, of course, an immersion in the immense Sahara desert.

The local currency is the Algerian Dinar, and the official languages ​​are Arabic and Berber, but you will find many people who speak French. And, great news for us Brazilians: a visa is not required for stays of up to 90 days!

"Algeria has faced economic challenges, with a high unemployment rate among young people and dependence on oil and gas exports. In the political field, the country went through a series of protests in 2019, which culminated in the resignation of President Bouteflika, and has faced a process of transition and change."

Now, the curiosity of the title: did you know that, in addition to its vastness, the Sahara desert in Algeria is known for its 'sand lakes'? They are unique formations, which look like real lakes, but are made entirely of sand, forming a breathtaking scenery!

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